Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Movie Download In Hd

Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Movie Download In Hd


Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Movie Download In Hd

A squadron of giant robot pilots of a beleaguered Earth colony bring the war to their oppressive home planet.
In the future, humanity has constructed several space colonies. But the corrupt Treize and his organization Oz have manipulated the United Earth Sphere Alliance into controlling earth and its colonies with an iron fist. To counteract this extreme measure, rebel colonies launch Operation: Meteor; an attempt to smuggle Mobile Suits made of Gundanium alloy to earth to combat the corruption and free earth and the colonies from Oz's control. One of these "Gundams" is piloted by Heero Yuy, who is shot down and is forced to blend in to enemy society. Now up against social issues with a girl named Relena and Oz and its puppets, Heero must unite with other rebels and save his people.
The main reason I watch this show is, duh, because I like big robots duking it out and firing lasers and artillary at each other. The second reason is for the characters -- some of them. Heero and Trowa have no personalities. Heero almost gets one for a while, but then it goes away. Trowa and his Gundam Heavyarms had potential but are hardly ever seen. Wu Fei keeps going on and on about his philosophies of strength and weakness, and I disagree with him most of the time. Quatre is more like it, however he eventually is one dimensional. But it is, at least, an interesting dimension. Duo Maxwell is my (and everyone else's apparently) favorite. He's the only one who can carry on a conversation about anything besides war or the true meaning of peace and is also the only one to forge a lasting, working relationship of consequence outside the battlefield. Zechs (preferable to Milliardo) is the most mysterious and most interesting until he goes crazy (you try explain his actions otherwise). Treize, well, he's there, and he does things, but what's he about? The "military" females, Lady Une, Noin, Sally Po, are refreshingly strong and smart compared to most anime women. The "civilian" females, Relena, Dorothy, and Catherine, are good to watch as well for their honesty, scheming, and T&A factor respectively. Duo's girlfriend, Hilde, could have used more fleshing out, but she serves her purpose quite well. Aside from the characters and mecha, this series falters on plot. It's a big plot. A complex plot. A plot you have to think about and use your imagination if you want to figure it out. Really, the motives and explanations I came up with on my own are better than what the show presented. Do I recommend Gundam Wing for everyone? Yes. It is enjoyable on several levels: Awesome mecha, good battles, intriguing characters, storyline that holds your interest, and pretty boys and girls. Its bad points include: Dialouge that frequently goes nowhere and leaves one asking, "Huh?" Characters who, while they need to be there, aren't properly developed. Actions by characters that go totally against what we know about them. But, despite its faults, Gundam Wing deserves the wide American recognition that Cartoon Network gives it.
Gundam Wing (also known as Gundam W) has received high acclaim since its initial release, and it deserves every bit. It's dark animation and heavy philosophical mindset make the series highly complex and three dimensional, to the point of anything else seeming shallow in comparison. The characters are not only rich in detail, but also very dynamic, their personalities changing throughout the series. The plot is solid, with few to no holes, and is also plausible, something few series can lay claim to. All in all, any chance to watch this series should be seized at once.


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