Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Movie Download In Mp4

Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Movie Download In Mp4


Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Movie Download In Mp4

The discovery of an advanced model of combat mecha on their space colony throws a young man and his friends into involvement in an interplanetary war as the crew of a powerful fighting ship.
The confrontation between the Earth Alliance (Naturals) and ZAFT (Coordinators), which originated in economic friction, reached a stalemate. Ultimately, the two sides opted for the last resort of diplomacy - in other words, war. Our story begins roughly a year later. Heliopolis, a resource satellite belonging to a neutral nation, is suddenly attacked by a Zaft mobile suit force. Their goal is to seize the Atlantic Alliance's newest Gundam mobile suits, which the Alliance has produced here amid total secrecy. The raid is successful, and ZAFT captures four of the Gundams. Kira Yamato, a Coordinator and student at an industrial college, is drawn into the conflict when he is reunited with an old friend, Athrun Zala during the attack. Tragically, Kira finds that his old friend and the other Coordinators are now his enemies. For patriotism's sake, Athrun sets out to defeat Kira. One against four... the battle of the Gundams begins!
I'm going to keep this short. Seed is essentially what all the other alternate universe series based heavily on the original gundam, should've been like. It has everything that is necessary for a sucessful story. Animation is done well, and at times the story drags on, but it's all worth it come toward the end. One of the best shows out there. Now go enjoy what will be 52 eps of goodness.
Ugh! Horrible. I recently bought volume 1 of Gundam SEED for the sheer fact that it I must have the US release. I've seen some pretty bad dubbing in my life and this series ranks in the Top 5 worst I've every heard. Every time I hear them say a character's name, it's like scratching your finger nails along a chalkboard. When talking, they sound almost robotic. I am very disappointed in Bandai Entertainment. The subtitling is great, except they misspell every single name!!! They're names, except for Kira's and Athurn's, spelled completely different form what the Japanese official website list them. There are times where I would like to send them a Japanese to English translating dictionary but I know it won't help much. I've seen this anime to it's entirety and I think it's the best Gundam series Sunrise, Inc. & Bandai Visual created, but Bandai Entertainment is killing it with these terrible dubbing. I hope these is a dramatic improvement in volume 2.


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