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How Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer logo was made i. This is how it was filmed. Not strapped down on a fucking scaffold. It was also shot in Do your homework karma slut. Are you fucking retarded? You called me a heifer and a liar just because I called someone out on needlessly insulting someone. Are you that fucking stupid? You fucking hypocritical as swipe? Who the fuck do you think you are kid? How is this sarcasm in any facet? Are you actually this stupid? Are you trying to do some sort of social commentary? He asked me if I was the one who tried to steal his reddit account. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit a humorous link. Submit a comical text post. You may only post if you are funny. New 'Subreddit Of The Month': All posts must make an attempt at humor. No posts with their sole purpose being to communicate with another redditor. Click for an Example. This includes asking for upvotes and posts about your cakeday. Serial reposters will be banned. No Politics Anything involving politics or a political figure. No Pictures of just text This includes pictures of text with irrelevant images and photographs of signs that have no relevance to their surroundings. Make a self-post instead. Direct links to images hosted on tumblr ex. They will be deleted regardless of intent. No gore or porn including sexually graphic images. Other NSFW content must be tagged as such Do not rehost or hotlink webcomics. Rehosted and hotlinked webcomics will be removed, unless you are the creator. No SMS or social media content. Any and all social media content is prohibited on this subreddit with the exception of Snapchat-captioned photos. This rule also applies to any reddit-related content. Please read the announcement. Bots and bot-like accounts are not allowed What do I do if I see a post that breaks the rules? Click on the report button, and send us a message with a link to the comments of the post. Instead send us a message with a link to the post. Please allow 10 minutes for the post to appear before messaging moderators Looking for something else? This is an archived post. Want to add to the discussion? Go online and be lion everywhere? OP is a thief. Whatever will I do with one less imaginary Internet point!??! A joke is clever or funny. Link to sticky post. Anything involving politics or a political figure. This includes pictures of text with irrelevant images and photographs of signs that have no relevance to their surroundings. No link shorteners or HugeURL in either post links or comments. Other NSFW content must be tagged as such. Please allow 10 minutes for the post to appear before messaging moderators.

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