Mercury Rising Full Movie Download 1080p Hd

Mercury Rising Full Movie Download 1080p Hd


Mercury Rising Full Movie Download 1080p Hd

Shadowy elements in the NSA target a nine-year old autistic savant for death when he is able to decipher a top secret code.
The NSA has developed what they believe is an unbreakable code which they call MERCURY. Now they ran a test to see if anyone can decipher the code by putting it in a puzzle magazine. Now Simon Lynch, an autistic boy who has an affinity for puzzles sees it and deciphers it and calls the NSA. Concerned the men in charge call their boss Kudrow and inform of what happened. Kudrow worried what might happen if this gets out orders that Simon be terminated. The man he sends kills his parents but is unable to find Simon and leaves when the police arrive. The police call the FBI to send someone to take a report of Simon who is missing and the man they send Art Jeffries is not exactly in good standing with the FBI because of an incident that occurred recently and is also not exactly OK because of the incident. Art finds Simon, who was hiding and takes him to the hospital. While there, the assassin takes another try but Art saves Simon and they go on the run.
THE GOOD - A solid suspense movie, this film is very entertaining and has just the right amount of action. Bruce Willis does his usual competent job and is very interesting in the lead and Miko Hughes - a Haley Joel Osment lookalike - performs well as a 9-year-old autistic boy. Willis protects the kid from bad-guy Alec Baldwin and his hit men.<br/><br/>THE BAD - The film had negatives, too, at least for this reviewer who gets tired of seeing Hollywood portray government officials as corrupt (and especially Republican, if they can insinuate an alliance between Reagan or Nixon with the bad guy, which they do here). They also make sure that you know anyone who calls himself a &quot;patriot&quot; is a bad person, too. On and on....the Liberal Hollywood agenda never ceases. Too bad they also have to insert their politics into well-made, interesting films like this one.
Okay, I&#39;ll get something out of the way first: yes, there are plot holes in the film the size of Antarctica. Yes, the story is predictable and the chase scenes border-line unbelievable. Yes, some of the stuff is superfulous and ludicrous. And yes, you do have to suspend disbelief during the course of the film.<br/><br/>I think I have just summed up just about every action movie ever made. This movie stands out a little bit because of certain character and plot elements. Bruce Willis is good as always. One question: when the boy cracks the code, wouldn&#39;t it have been easier to change the code rather than sic the bad guys on him to kill him? Oh, well. If they did, we wouldn&#39;t have a movie, would we?<br/><br/>You might like this if you are a Willis fan.<br/><br/>** 1/2 out of ****
Contrived, slapdash and utterly false, this action thriller with a cynically soft center exemplifies the worst end-product of contemporary Hollywood formulas.

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