Марихуана Болонья

Марихуана Болонья

Марихуана Болонья

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Марихуана Болонья

As Italy flirts with the idea of legalisation, the city of Bologna already seems to be laying the groundwork for cannabis to blossom. Mild weed shops, stressed students, street dealers Monday morning, 9 am — the sky is blue over Via Zamboni and the surrounding neighbourhood, where most of the University of Bologna department buildings are located. In the shop, which feels like an organic supermarket, weed can be found in many forms: dried, liquid, oil A bag of 8 grams costs 17 Euros, and many cannabis-based products are temptingly laid out on the shelves and display racks. The company also describes the shop as 'an informative place', which it is. The large information posters stuck to the mauve walls along with the information that is found on their website all focus on the various uses of hemp; anything from cosmetics to textiles. The very same website also encourages those who are keen to open their own Qui Canopa shop. The staff highlight the serious nature and expertise of the company '15 years of experience in the industry' , and boast that they have received nearly 2, orders after their attendance at the exhibition last May. The Easyjoint company hopes that selling this kind of weed will encourage the smooth passage of legalisation of the sale and consumption of cannabis in Italy. Fracesca could queue up outside Qui Canapa to restock, but the year-old is not a big fan of the legal weed. Otherwise, I might as well just have a cigarette. Hundreds and sometimes even thousands of students come to Bologna every month to spend money on their weed needs. At any rate, cannabis consumption in Bologna is estimated at over 60 daily doses per 1, inhabitants , which is well over the national average. Francesca 'smokes to pass the time', and her consumption has always been 'a pleasant activity,' without her every becoming 'too dependent'. At uni, there are moment where you risk a complete psychological breakdown. So smoking weed gave me a moment of peace, calm and relaxation. Basically, I switched my brain off. If the former student had cold sweats about his upcoming exams, it was due to the daily pressure. With , inhabitants, Bologna is by no means the most populated city in the country. However, it has one of the highest levels of students in Italy. Does the concentration of students in the Red City make it a giant stress ball? Whatever it is, there are people there to create a zen space, according to Leonardo. Via Petroni comes alive when the bars open and students tussle for vodka shots and spritzers for 2 Euros. Street vendors shout 'Beer, beer! People who buy from the streets are mostly one-time smokers, Erasmus students, first years or passing tourists. These first-time customers attract the least trustworthy dealers and give Piazza Verdi a bad reputation of having unsmokeable weed. The weed is cut with harmful substances and the quality is rubbish,' she whispers. But in Bologna, the territory is also suitable for other kinds of drugs: heroin, ketamine and amphetamines. On the 18th of July, a gang mainly made up of Pakistanis was arrested in possession of 3. Every gram was destined for dealing in the strongholds of Bologna. The pressure of increasingly prolific and increasingly dangerous dealing is also worrying the neighbours. The founder, Etta Polico , is familiar with the problems linked to pockets of dealing activity. The street her organisation works in is considered as being 'at high risk of deterioration. Last year, during a workshop on reclaiming public spaces, Etta met a year-old schoolgirl who was interested in the campaign. During their conversation, the girl blithely confessed that she earned some pocket money selling ketamine and weed on Friday and Saturday nights. But in fact they are not the ones who are responsible for this. According to her, the police are turning a blind eye. Their brief is to watch the building, and just the building, never mind if two guys are killing each other 50 metres away. For quite a while, Italy has been on the verge of legalising cannabis, while never taking the final step. Loved this story? Then tell your friends: Twitter Facebook. Bologna: Ganja paradise Published on October 9, Story by. Translation by: Margaret Morrison.

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За этим последовали десятки арестов с обвинением в торговле наркотиками, а затем, летом прошлого года, запрет на продажу соцветий марихуаны , масел гашишного масла и смол гашиша. Теперь ситуация изменилась. Поправка к бюджету, узаконившая продажу каннабиса с низким содержанием основного психоактивного вещества ТГК , была принята. Обсуждение продолжалось в течение почти двух недель. Соглашение было достигнуто абсолютным большинством голосов. Владельцы магазинов, фермы и производители, которых сегодня насчитывается около трех тысяч по всей Италии, теперь могут вздохнуть с облегчением. С 1 января года марихуана будет легально продаваться в итальянских табачнымх киосках и специализированных магазинах. Говоря проще, этот акцизный налог принесеть государству млн евро в год, сообщает Italia-ru. Еще больше интересного в нашем канале Яндекс. Италия разрешила 'легкую' марихуану Итальянский парламент одобрил легализацию продажи конопли. Материалы по теме. Италия легализует марихуану. Париж разрешил марихуану. Комментарии 0. Написать комментарий. Большой винный конкурс. Круизный лайнер заблокирован в порту Италии из-за подозрения на коронавирус. Меган и Гарри перебираются в Калифорнию. Brexit, теракт и вирус. У пассажиров круизного лайнера, заблокированного в порту, не обнаружили коронавирус. Где это? Новости партнеров. Учёные нашли саламандру, которая семь лет просидела на одном месте. Британия запретит дизель и бензин. Немцы отказались убирать с церкви антисемитский барельеф. В Польше слепой мужчина вновь обрел зрение после ДТП. Самого большого снеговика в мире слепили в Австрии. Показать ещё. Как попасть в Лондон без визы?

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Bologna: Ganja paradise

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