Malayalam Movie Download The Invited

Malayalam Movie Download The Invited


Malayalam Movie Download The Invited

After meeting the girl of his dreams, an ambitious but lonely computer programmer soon discovers the terrifying secret behind her affections.
I love indie films and always give them tons of leeway considering everything involved in the making of a film. DO NOT BE FOOLED BY UTTERLY FALSE HIGH RATINGS!!!!! The 5 that gave such high ratings obviously were paid or involved in this film. It was the longest 50 odd minutes of my life!!! Do yourself a favor and run away from this film. It's not even worth talking about the plot or actors!!!!!
It&#39;s a fun watch if you go in with realistic expectations. Not necessarily the best I&#39;ve watched but it&#39;s obvious this indie film was created on a MicroBudget. <br/><br/>Truth be told I enjoy these films more than the multi-million dollar blockbusters that are soulless cash crabs.


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