Malayalam Movie Download The Croods

Malayalam Movie Download The Croods


Malayalam Movie Download The Croods

Meet the Croods, the only caveman family still alive because they think new discoveries are dangerous. One night, their oldest child, Eep (stone), sneaks out and meets Guy (Reynolds), an inventive person who knows things the others don't. Later, in the morning, their cave is crushed by what he calls "The End". Grug (cage), Eep's father, is sad their cave is gone. Now they need to figure out how to survive with the help of Guy in a new set of open land.
Follows a semi-dysfunctional family living in the stone-age. But with the end of the world right behind the corner, the rules that used to keep them alive can't apply, and the Croods must use inventions and outside-the-box thinking to survive in this new world.
This is a great family movie. It is wonderful to watch and enjoy for that reason alone. A family deals with powerful problems within the family and outside of it. As it does so, it warms the heart in a very special way that hard to describe. While the story is somewhat predictable, the feeling of warmth that you have for the characters is not. I was surprised by how much I cared for all of the people in this film. I wanted this family to come together and overcome their difficulties. I was not let down and honestly, I cried out of happiness at the end. The first time that has happened in a very long time.. <br/><br/>OK, I like sentimental films that work. and this film works. It takes you into a truly make believe world and makes you believe. The father is a warm and truly stubborn fellow who we learn to love as he deals with the rest of the family on its dangerous journey.The mom is strong and loving in her way and, the daughter has her own kind independence as teenage daughters do..So over time, we learn to care about the group in the same way that we cared about the troop of travelers in &quot;Land Before Time.&quot; But this is much sharper and the characters have more depth and there is more comedy than the &quot;Land&quot;. Also, because it is a journey with humans and a family we really like, our journey becomes more personal. We meet up with a new person who we also learn to care about and wish him success too. And we like the pets, yes pets.... And I will close by saying this: Croods is a very rare warm, entertaining and loving family film. And watching it is outstanding way to spend time with people you love...<br/><br/>For that is what this film is really about.
&#39;The Croods&#39; is DreamWorks&#39; latest animated production. It involves a family of cavemen as they are forced to venture out into the open after their cave is destroyed. <br/><br/>The story is quite well written; it starts with you thinking it is going to revolve around teenage girl Eep (Emma Stone), with her journey, falling in love blah blah blah. However, the story develops into one about how sometimes fathers have to learn lessons and acknowledge that they can be wrong about things. Although it is only a voice performance, Nicholas Cage is brilliant and provides 90% of the comedy here. You can tell he had a great time working on this film. As children&#39;s films go, this is probably the funniest one in a while, the story is not insultingly basic and it teaches some decent life lessons along the way. The only thing that really bugged me was the Belt character – I didn&#39;t get what was so funny about a small creature shouting &#39;dundunduuuuun!&#39; at various moments throughout the film in scenes where it didn&#39;t really fit. It seems to be a necessity in children&#39;s films now to have a little sidekick randomly make a funny noise of come out with some naff pop culture reference these days.<br/><br/>Overall, the film is probably the best kid&#39;s film out so far this year. There are a lot of really funny scenes and a couple of tear-jerking moments too.
Although state-of-the-art in its rendering of textures, movement and stereography, The Croods, adopts a relatively primitive approach to storytelling with its Flintstonian construction of stock, ill-fitting narrative elements.

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