Malayalam Movie Download Stroker Ace

Malayalam Movie Download Stroker Ace


Malayalam Movie Download Stroker Ace

The title character, a popular NASCAR driver, clashes with the fried-chicken mogul that sponsors his racing team.
Stroker Ace, a champion NASCAR driver, is standing at the top of his career, but is getting fed up with having to do as he's told. In between rebelling against his sponsor (a fried chicken chain)'s promotion gimmicks (like making him dress up in giant chicken suit) he spends the rest of the movie trying to bed the buxom Pembrook.
In the Nascar Fan Base there is a Curse associated with this movie. For all the Race care divers and how it affected their Carers after the movie. Even the Actors &amp; Director seem to be affected also. Only 2 Drivers were able to contend for more championships and a lot of them have Died or been Killed, Race teams have been disbanded or not been competitive.<br/><br/>Most of the Actors have fallen off the charts from were they were before the movie came out. Both Hal Needems Movies (production co.) and Race team is no more. <br/><br/>It is a good movie to look to the older days of Nascar. But You might even consider that some of the Tracks that they were racing on then are not on the schedule now either so maybe that was another part of the curse?
Dreary comedy with Reynolds wasting himself on silly gags as a NASCAR driver going head to head with fried chicken mogul Beatty. Burt even dresses like a chicken and that&#39;s pretty much how the film operates. Jim Nabors won a much deserved Razzie for his performance and Anderson is neither sexy nor talented. Burt and director Needham&#39;s streak of films came to a crashing halt soon after this mess.
It's hard to believe there could be so much slack in a film only 96 minutes long. Director Needham blows off the last 25 or so with a race sequence. We're treated to one uninteresting crowd shot after another while a Dixieland band plays Dixie -- all of Dixie -- on the soundtrack. [02 July 1983, p.C5]

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