Malayalam Movie Download Starship Troopers Traitor Of Mars

Malayalam Movie Download Starship Troopers Traitor Of Mars


Malayalam Movie Download Starship Troopers: Traitor Of Mars

Federation trooper Johnny Rico is ordered to work with a group of new recruits on a satellite station on Mars, where giant bugs have decided to target their next attack.
I wasn&#39;t expecting much from this CGI movie after a few failure to this franchise. Seriously though, it is smart to bring back Rico and Diz, it somehow let fan like me to reconnect once more.<br/><br/>The story is simply straight forward with almost nonstop action, too much story telling will ruin and doesn&#39;t fit in this particular series. I wish there will be another CGI movie with a better or somehow little more considerable, convincing plot twists to spice the whole thing up.<br/><br/>With the VR gaming gaining speed nowadays, I could see there is possibility to develop a VR game! Which will be a breathing taking one if they do it right.<br/><br/>I wouldn&#39;t say there is no plot hole in this movie, but sometimes, just flow with the story and stop asking too many question. ;)
I&#39;m not going to rate this film. I would prefer to look back and evaluate the entire film &quot;series&quot; as a whole (all five of them) and share my thoughts about the latest installment in the context.<br/><br/>Let&#39;s make one thing straight first. I worship Robert A. Heinlein. He was a greater visionary than Steve Jobs and he was a marine and politician on top of that. This big three (tech+mili+poli) count as uberhuman to me (and should count like that to any decent human being). Moreover, this man of big three was also one of the sci-fi big three (clark+asimov+heinlein). What more could you possibly want? Now, this demigod wrote a novel called Starship Troopers. That means troops stationed on board of star-ships. It was labeled as &quot;utopian&quot; but it didn&#39;t present a clear road to such an utopia. To quote a character from the book, a situation arose after WW3 for a new order to be established. And by sheer luck, this order was actually stable and worked. &quot;End&quot; of story.<br/><br/>Much later on, some lefty transsexual (whose name I don&#39;t know) decided to make a satirical movie about this book. He wasn&#39;t motivated by a desire to explore the universe and he didn&#39;t wish to enlarge it. As a matter of fact, he has never even read the book (by his own admission). The result was a disgusting satire. Now, one would expect a satire to be funny but this one wasn&#39;t. When compared to the book, it was turned upside-down and warped on top of that (like in some kind of a horror mirror maze). This little tidbit might not be a perfect example but it might give you an idea: Flores is a man and no, they didn&#39;t have sex. Bon appetite!<br/><br/>Even later on, Japanese got interested in the (dying) franchise and made two CGI installments. And that is the point where all non-Asian people get confused. Thinking about it, their work reminds me of Metal Gear Solid (great franchise, beyond understanding of Americans and Europeans).<br/><br/>Before continuing, I should clarify one thing about the position of a sky marshal (of the Federation). It&#39;s just a military position. That means no political power (that&#39;s reserved for citizens = discharged soldiers). A sky marshal is an experienced man who needs to have a pristine military record and fulfill two contradictory requirements: he needs to have an experience as a star-ship captain and an experience of a platoon (at least) commander (that&#39;s two completely different military careers - read the book). Now, while most star-ship captains (and fleet personnel in general) are, in fact, women, everybody in &quot;ground&quot; forces is male. Not that is forbidden for women to serve in infantry, it just doesn&#39;t happen (low interest, the infantry robots aren&#39;t calibrated for women, etc.). So, it&#39;s quite impossible for a woman, especially such an idiotic and young one, to become a sky marshal.<br/><br/>However, let&#39;s say that we accept the premise that a sky marshal is actually a political position (merged with whoever is in command of the civilian government). And that is where the Japanese come in. What are they trying to tell us? When I look at the villain of this film, I can&#39;t but equal her with Hillary. What are those weird Japanese guys trying to tell us? That military is good and (civilian) politicians are bad? Well, I can&#39;t but agree with that. However, that&#39;s not what was Heinlein trying to tell us (a soldier can&#39;t vote or candidate until he/she was discharged with honor). While the message of this movie is oh-too-truthful in our world, politicians in Heinlein&#39;s book are different. They aren&#39;t detached from reality. Just look at Israel - that&#39;s a country where Heinlein&#39;s ideology (with some alterations) was implemented and it works (any shortcomings can be attributed to incomplete implementation). So, in the end, I salute the makers of this film for trying to do their best. At the same time, I believe that it&#39;s a high time to scrape this franchise and start anew. There&#39;s a brand new TV series upcoming and if they do their job right, it will better than Game of Thrones.


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