Malayalam Movie Download Lethal Weapon

Malayalam Movie Download Lethal Weapon


Malayalam Movie Download Lethal Weapon

A slightly unhinged cop is partnered with a veteran detective trying to maintain a low stress level in his life.
Not a reboot more of a fresh start.. First 5 minutes was little over the top. However put aside the movies and go in with a fresh start. If you like Like your action you will love it. Big budget action with a bit of heart wrenching. Yes please. I have nothing but love for this. Enjoy. I actually just set this up and this is my first review. I have simple done this as the negative review are uncalled for. OK so two cops get forced to work together Martin Riggs the gun slinging bad boy who just lost his wife and kid to a car car. The other played buy good old Damon Wayne's is a safety cop who plays by the rules.. I'm only on episode two but and really enjoying it. Once again this is my first review so go easy on me
**** Warning: Although there is nothing too revealing, there is a little spoiler within. Be warned!!! ****<br/><br/>It has been a long time since that time I have written a review of a TV show. Over the past 15 years, I have seen very outstanding movies (at least the first movie, sometimes no so much for sequels) that are butchered when moved to the small screen (for instance &quot;Rush Hour&quot; comes to mind, although considering it is 0238, my mind is not firing on all 7.25 cylinders).<br/><br/>I was a fan (and still am) of the &quot;Lethal Weapons&quot; franchise to the bitter end (and the last movie was very bitter), so I was not sure what to make of the re-do for TV. The key factor in the movies was the outstanding mix between the straight man (Danny Glover) and the comic (Mel Gibson) albeit suicidal. Gibson&#39;s portrayal of a man who is one step from pulling the trigger was well played. Glover on the other hand was very good at being the &quot;old man&quot; this is getting too old for this sh*t and you could feel his pain as he has to juggle between trying to make it to retirement and feeling the need to be young again be it vicariously through his partner.<br/><br/>Initially, the first five minutes or so, I thought here goes another butchering of a movie. In the first 2 minutes or so, Riggs still has a devil can care mentality and proves this talents by sniping a moving target at nearly 2000 feet. On the other side of the coin, Murtaugh is stressing on his heart beat count and at the same time timing to motivate is wife for &quot;stress relief&quot;. I am glad that I watch past the 5 minute marker!<br/><br/>Damon Wayans does not do the straight man role well, he did not completely blow the straight man role to hell. After all, Damon is a fine comedic actor, so I don&#39;t expect him to be as serious (albeit with dry humor) as Glover was in the roll. Clayne Crawford does a passable Martin Riggs, but doesn&#39;t have the manic suicidal vibe that Gibson had. Nevertheless, I could see him as someone that I would not want to be partnered with.<br/><br/>Despite some of the shortcomings, I did see the perfect blending of the partners, and suddenly I saw Murtaugh (Glover) and Riggs (Gibson) morph into the Murtaugh (Wayons) and Rigg (Crawford) and suddenly saw a show that I will look forward to seeing weekly (assuming that the writing doesn&#39;t falter). There is good chemistry between the actors and I think that the show has potential for a long run.<br/><br/>I think the only things I would have did differently would have been to hold back the backstory of Riggs for another episode or two. I would have introduced the family to Riggs (which would add more to his pain), but not let the family or his partner understand his pain until later. Of course, that is just me, and that is why I am an armchair writer/director as opposed to writing out the next script! :)


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