Malayalam Movie Download Kill Command

Malayalam Movie Download Kill Command


Malayalam Movie Download Kill Command

Set in a near future, technology-reliant society is creating killing machines. Against this backdrop an elite Marine unit is helicoptered in to a remote, off-the-grid island training facility, to test the capabilities of the latest prototypes. They set up positions and make short work of the AI targets in the killing field. However, overnight their sentry goes missing, and when they find the corpse the next day they find themselves in the killing field and the tables have turned. The Marines fight to survive on an island that is overrun by an enemy intelligence far beyond their predecessors, which learns from their every move.
Set in a near future, technology-reliant society that pits man against killing machines.
When I was watching this film, I was totally blown away by the CGI effects of the robots. It was so detailed, the movements were so &#39;realistic&#39;, and given this film had a distinct B-movie feel, I was extremely surprised that those effects were done with a budget of $1m. That&#39;s simply unbelievable.<br/><br/>The best part for me is this. The story doesn&#39;t take itself too seriously. There is no romantic subplot, no overly complicated character development and family history, nothing of those &#39;backstory&#39; stuff. It is a straightforward, I have a target and I&#39;m going to kill it, kind of film. As such, one would judge this movie based on how you felt watching it, rather than analysing on how good the story is. You progress with the character, you root for them, you feel like you&#39;re part of the action.<br/><br/>It&#39;s a run of the mill story, but with tremendous sci-fi graphics and fairly decent acting. The directing was superb and the pacing was just right. Slow at times, but just right. I&#39;m giving it a 10 because of how much it impressed me. Rarely have I come out of a B-movie going &quot;Wow, that was one heck of a film.&quot;
A sci-fi film with a low budget but the acting is good, the setting well thought out, and the SFX extremely good. The script is the only thing that lets this movie down, but really, compared to other films in this category, it&#39;s a masterpiece.<br/><br/>I found it enjoyable - and that is, after all, the main point of watching a film like this.


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