Mad Max Renegade Movie Download

Mad Max Renegade Movie Download


Mad Max Renegade Movie Download

Max Rockatansky, Main Force Patrol's top pursuit driver, steals the one and only supercharged Pursuit Special--"the last of the V8s"--and abandons the force. As society collapses, a frantic request for assistance comes over the radio. Reluctant hero Mad Max answers the call. When he encounters the future in the form of savage marauders, he unloads his brand of street justice the only way he knows how: at high speed!
Mad Max Renegade follows the further adventures of Max Rockatansky after his desertion from Main Force Patrol in his famed Pursuit Special, more commonly known as the Interceptor.
"Mad Max Renegade" is obviously, as the title implies, loosely based on the "Mad Max" trilogy and gained some popularity recently with the hype around the new "Mad Max" movie, even if this short film was already made almost 5 years ago. It is an American 9-minute fan film written and directed by Paul Miller. I have to say the only thing I quite liked was lead actor Liam Fountain. It seems he had the looks and the grit for the character. Unfortunately, in terms of the story, the action and also the emotion (which always has been an interesting aspect to the franchise), this film falls flat. Sure it's not easy to pack all this convincingly into such a short time, but I certainly hoped for a better outcome than the one they actually delivered. It had a bit of everything in these 3 areas, but I'd have preferred one of these 3 aspects to be great and the other 2 non-existent. All in all, not recommended. I may be a bit biased though as I am not the biggest fan of the films either.
Aside from the fact that it completely screws my theory about the series time-line, Renegade is a well made, short film that expands the Mad Max universe and bridges the gap between the first Mad Max film and The Road Warrior.<br/><br/>Everything about it captures the style of the first two films really well, honestly i felt like i was watching a deleted scene from Mad Max. (1) <br/><br/>Normally with a low-budget short film you may expect to see some errors or possibly some questionable acting, but Renegade was quite good and the only issue i really noticed was a certain point where Max and Jess&#39; (Max&#39;s wife) accents were really odd, nothing that really ruins the experience however.<br/><br/>Full film available to watch here:


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