MP3 Yurth Burden by Andre Norton audio store read iphone book

MP3 Yurth Burden by Andre Norton audio store read iphone book

MP3 Yurth Burden by Andre Norton audio store read iphone book

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Book description
The world of Zacar was wracked with storms and life there was hard. Yet tow races shared it with no love between them. The Raski were the first people, the Yurth the late comers.This is the story of Elossa, the Yurth girl who followed the Call that every Yurth sensitive must follow when the time came. And this is the story of Stans, the Raski, who had to achieve manhood by blood rite against the hated Yurth.This is a novel of a world where ancient injustice had been done and never righted, where brooding evil and age-old vengeance awaited peace-makers-- and of two who brought this terror down upon their own heads.
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