MP3 When the Tree Sings by Stratis Haviaras full version kickass itunes read eng

MP3 When the Tree Sings by Stratis Haviaras full version kickass itunes read eng

MP3 When the Tree Sings by Stratis Haviaras full version kickass itunes read eng

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Book description
This is a beautiful book, written in English by a Greek-born poet and novelist: a meditative, image-driven tale of life in a mainland Greek village under German occupation and in the immediate postwar period. Told through the eyes of a young boy who is growing into adolescence, the story introduces us to the many personalities in the village and to the spirit of defiance that animates them. I feel like I learned a lot about Greek character from this book. At wars end, the heavy hand of the Allies commands--commandeers--the future, and self-determination is again denied the villagers as civil war takes over the country. The narrator sadly notes the flight of young people out of Greece.Definitely worth reading for philhellenes (grecophiles), and those traveling to Greece will take from this, as I did, a hint of the country when its not performing for tourists.
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