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MP3 Welcome to the Ice House by Jane Yolen (Goodreads Author) txt online reading

MP3 Welcome to the Ice House by Jane Yolen (Goodreads Author) txt online reading

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Book description
Welcome to the ice house?where through the long winter night of the Arctic prowl all kinds of animals?the fox looking for lemmings, the howling wolf pack on the trail of snowshoe hare, the lynx, the polar bear, and a thundering herd of moose. Beyond the ice, in a blue-black sea, swim seals, herds of walrus, and killer whales on the hunt. Then, suddenly, spring and summer return together in a burst of color as poppies and lupines bloom where once grew only ice and snow.Poetic text and dramatic illustrations authentically capture the powerful majesty of Arctic flora and fauna in this companion volume to Welcome to the Green House and Welcome to the Sea of Sand.
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