MP3 Vision (2015-) #11 by Tom King (Goodreads Author) mobi online free

MP3 Vision (2015-) #11 by Tom King (Goodreads Author) mobi online free

MP3 Vision (2015-) #11 by Tom King (Goodreads Author) mobi online free

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Book description
The Avengers draw a line in the sand. They tell Vision he is not to cross this line. If he does, they will destroy him. “Remember,” they say. “You’re an Avenger. First. Always.” “Stay where you are,” they say. “Don’t cross the line,” they say. Vision nods. He tells them he understands. Then Vision crosses the line. The end is coming for the most critically acclaimed book of the year, and no one is safe. Don’t miss the issue everyone will be talking about. Also, hail Hydra.
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