MP3 Usagi Yojimbo Saga, Vol. 1 by Stan Sakai reading access download view format

MP3 Usagi Yojimbo Saga, Vol. 1 by Stan Sakai reading access download view format

MP3 Usagi Yojimbo Saga, Vol. 1 by Stan Sakai reading access download view format

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Book description
Every time I read Usagi Yojimbo, I feel at ease for some reason. This comic book makes me feel relaxed and I suddenly lose all my negative energy. Maybe it is because of how Usagi is portrayed in this comic book, because it is hard not to love him. This volume colleges all 16 issues of the Mirage comics and the first 6 issues of the Dark Horse series. In other words, this volume collects the 8th, 9th, and 10th volumes of the trade paperbacks, which is perfect for me because they are becoming unavailable on Amazon. For a huge Usagi Yojimbo fan like myself, this book is awesome.If you never read any Usagi trade before this is a good place to start. However, I suggest you read the previous 7 volume first (remember this is technically volume 8-10). Most of the character in this are new to the series, well for me at least, and there are a few old friends. The good thing about Usagi is whenever Sakai brings back an old character from a previous issue Sakai makes sure to briefly explain who they are again. If you never read Usagi before do not worry about getting lost because it is a simple story that this volume covers in the beginning.Reading the introduction(s) to this always helps with the mood of this comic too. The writers they pick know exactly what to say about Usagi and way to a great comic book. To me it is a great comic book because I have yet to find an issue I did not like. Every story that Stan Sakai tells is perfect. Usually I will complain saying this needs a fix for my preference or that need it need a little more of that. However, Usagi is a rare comic book were I honestly think everything is perfect. In addition, it is about a rabbit who wears blue (a huge bonus for my liking in the comic book world).Another thing I love about this comic is the fact it is teaching me about Japan and its samurai history. Yes, the character is a giant rabbit, but most of what Sakai writes is all based on really history and culture of Japan. Most of what I learn on Japan comes from manga and anime. Yet most of what you see in those shows show up in Usagi as well. However, one story in this was talking about how the leaves in Japan turn color; I did not realize they had foliage in Japan too. Reading Usagi I feel like I learn something new every time.Oh and one last thing. This volume is exceptionally good if you are looking for the Usagi Yojimbo and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles three-issue crossover that inspired a few episodes of the television show. After all, it is because of that episode I fell in love with Usagi Yojimbo. It is a good thing I finally decided to read the comics.
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