MP3 True Romance (True Romance Rocker Series, book 1) by Lashell Collins (Goodreads Author) epub online reading

MP3 True Romance (True Romance Rocker Series, book 1) by Lashell Collins (Goodreads Author) epub online reading

MP3 True Romance (True Romance Rocker Series, book 1) by Lashell Collins (Goodreads Author) epub online reading

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Book description

Book description
Sweet, sexy Thaddeus Kyle is not like the spoiled, ego-driven rock stars with fame and fortune at his fingertips and a different beautiful woman in his bed each night. Not anymore anyway. Nearly forty, hes been in the game all his life, just a blue-collar working class musician chasing dreams of rock superstardom amid the crushing weight of a loveless marriage and brutal breakup. But when a real rock and roll legend offers Tad a spot in his band, the sudden worldwide exposure leads him to the woman who could be the greatest thing to ever happen to him. If he can only manage not to screw it up.Shelby Finnegan is a woman on the go. A celebrated wildlife photographer with a yen for conservation and saving endangered animals, she hasnt had much time in her life for things like romance. The painful past she keeps buried deep doesnt help matters on that front either. But when her love of rock and roll gives rise to an infatuation with her favorite rockers new bass player, she suddenly finds herself daydreaming about little else. Sparks fly during a chance encounter backstage, sending Tad and Shelby down a path of friendship that hints at something much deeper. Is the burning promise of passion only wishful thinking, or could it be true romance?
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