MP3 Tours of the Black Clock by Steve Erickson tom portable german direct link online

MP3 Tours of the Black Clock by Steve Erickson tom portable german direct link online

MP3 Tours of the Black Clock by Steve Erickson tom portable german direct link online

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Book description

Book description
Cutting a terrifying path from a Pennsylvania farm to the Europe of the 1930s, Banning Jainlight becomes the private pornographer of the worlds most evil man. In a Vienna window, he glimpses the face of a lost erotic dream, and from there travels to the Twentieth Centurys darkest corner to confront its shocked and secret conscience. One of Steve Ericksons most acclaimed novels, Tours of the Black Clock crosses the intersections of passion and power and gazes into a clock with no face, where memory is the gravity of time and all the numbers fall like rain.
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