MP3 Tom Swift and His Diving Seacopter by Victor Appleton II eng txt store book library

MP3 Tom Swift and His Diving Seacopter by Victor Appleton II eng txt store book library

MP3 Tom Swift and His Diving Seacopter by Victor Appleton II eng txt store book library

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Book description
The Tom Swift, Jr., books were a fun, upbeat, and interesting adventure series published for kids from 1954 to 1971 that promoted science, fair-play, patriotism, and team-work; they were good, positive books. The series served as a sequel to the original Tom Swift series that appeared from 1910 to the beginnings of World War II; Tom and his sister, Sandy, are the children of the first Tom and his wife, Mary Nestor; Toms girlfriend Phyllis Newton is the daughter of Tom Sr.s sidekick Ned Newton (now Uncle Ned to Tom and Sandy); the family home is still located in Shopton along Lake Carlopa, etc. Its nice that the continuity is preserved rather than just being over-written as happened to The Hardy Boys; in the first Tom Jr., book beings make contact that were first hinted at in the final real Tom Sr., book, Planet Stone, and throughout the series references to the history are made such as naming a device the Damonscope in honor of a character from the first series, Mr. Wakefield Damon. In addition to the Swifts and Newtons, Tom Jr. has his own sidekick, Bud Barclay, and there are several interesting supporting characters such as Phil Radnor, Harlan Ames (I wonder if Harlan Ellison was the inspiration for the name?), Hank Sterling, Miss Trent (who I dont believe ever had a first name), and especially Chow Winkler, Toms cook, a former Texas chuck-wagon cook who was given to a variety of wild and unlikely expressions such as, Well, brand my space biscuits! The earlier books had nice covers, end-papers, and illustrations: Graham Kaye and Charles Brey provided the art for the first twenty-five volumes, followed by Edward Moretz, after which the artistic (as well as the literary) quality starting going downhill. Tom invented and built many fantastic inventions (but remember it was the 50s and 60s), and had many exciting adventures along with his friends and family. They faced off against saboteurs and spies and the evil Brungarians but their good spirits and hard work and can-do attitude always paid off in the end. The continuity didnt always hold logically from book to book, and looking back its easy to pick apart one thing or another, but they were fun and fine books in their time. This seventh volume has another cool and colorful cover, quite fitting for an adventure that might have aliens and might find Atlantis and ranges from outer to inner space.
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