MP3 The Three Legged Cat (Picture Puffin S.) by Margaret Mahy read pc link english iBooks

MP3 The Three Legged Cat (Picture Puffin S.) by Margaret Mahy read pc link english iBooks

MP3 The Three Legged Cat (Picture Puffin S.) by Margaret Mahy read pc link english iBooks

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Book description

Book description
Tom the tabby cat dreamed of seeing the world, but he had only three legs. Mrs. Gimble was a boring widow that wished Tom would just sit still. Mrs. Gimbles brother Danny loves to travel the world, but his trusty hat is getting old and it isnt as warm. It is only by chance that all three get their wishes. Danny mistakes a sleeping Tom for his fuzzy hat and takes off to travel the world. His new hat is very warm and Mrs. Gimbles new cat is very still. Tom finally gets to see the world. The funny story of chance shows that anything can happen. The visuals in the story aide the reader in making guesses as to what will happen next. The first page shows Tom all curled up sleeping. A few pages later, the reader gets to see Dannys hat, that looks a lot like Tom. When Danny visits Mrs. Gimble, he takes off his hat and there is an orange fluffy ball on the top of his chair. This makes the reader question whether or not the fuzzy item is a hat or a cat. On Dannys way out, the illustrator reveals Toms face on Dannys head. On the following page, Tom is awake and his peg leg is showing. This type of crazy situation would make kids laugh a lot. The characters in this book are very realistic. Mrs. Gimble is a grumpy lady who enjoys the comfort of her home and cares very much about what others think of her. Danny on the other hand is a wanderer. He loves to travel and has no permanent address. The illustrator makes the differences in their personalities very clear through their clothing. Mrs. Gimble wears conservative pink clothing that blends in with the rest of her house, which is also pink. The similarity of her clothing choices and house decorations show her narrow-mindedness. Dannys clothes contrast Mrs. Gimbles house well, with bold colors like red, black and blue. His vest and choice of hat show his love for travel as they look like they belong in a different culture. This story uses funny characters to introduce different types of people to children in an appropriate way.
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