MP3 The Spaniards Defiant Virgin (Modern Romance, #711) by Jennie Lucas download txt

MP3 The Spaniards Defiant Virgin (Modern Romance, #711) by Jennie Lucas download txt

MP3 The Spaniards Defiant Virgin (Modern Romance, #711) by Jennie Lucas download txt

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Book description
So if you found out your brother who is the legal guardian of your younger sister had stolen her inheritance and left her home alone and hungry do you:A. Contact the authorities and turn his ass in for theft and child abuse.B. Agree to some hairbrained scheme to marry some old rich Sheikh who may have killed his ex-wife with the promise that afterwards he would allow the sister to live with her.In non-bizzaro world, hopefully the answer is A. But in crazy Harlequin Presents Romanclandia, we go with option B of course.So to add to the WTFery, the heroine is kidnapped by our revenge-driven Spanish hero who is going to use her to get revenge against her brother. He takes her to his home in Madrid where he is overcome with the lust for her sexy bod but he knows she is a slut because he saw her pictured in the tabloids with men (we all know how reliable tabloids are - they were even her reasoning for why the courts wouldnt give her custody since I am sure judges read Star magazine a lot). So the first night she is at his house, she is desperate to escape to save her sister. Somehow she and the hero get down to some sexing. He finds out she is a VIRGIN so OMG she is like totally innocent of everything! Because having a hymen keeps you from ever lying, stealing or doing wrong. Oh Dios Mio does he feel bad (the Dios Mio is added for your pleasure since I had to read it multiple times).Then she tries to escape to meet her abusive nasty Sheiky prospective husband but the hero catches her and she goes back to his hacienda. The next day she starts to worry about the most important thing in this situation - she might fall in love! I know if I had been kidnapped after almost being forced to marry some nasty old dude and my sister was god-knows-where I would totally be worried about falling in love with the sexy ass Spanish guy I gave my treasured V-card to the day we met when he kidnapped me. Totally makes sense here in bizzaro world.Then next we have the hero propose a good ol HP standby - a marriage of convenience. They will act in love, the paparazzi will take pictures then they will marry and get custody of the young sister! Because again - the courts really read the gossip rags so they will know the couple is in love.The story merrily chugs along toward the marriage of convenience but comes to an abrupt halt when the heroine dared to say the big bad I love you the three most important words in HP Romancelandia. Then the hero pushes her away for her own good of course because he is not a good person.Then we get to another hilarious part when we finally learn what the revenge was about - her brother stole something from his father years ago. No not money or a wife or something - the formula for an anti aging creme!!! Seriously?Of course there is the requisite happy ending where the hero learns the error of his revenge-seeking ways and goes to the heroine. I was bothered with the fact her brother got away with stealing the young sisters money and child neglect, almost forcing the heroine to marry someone, slapping the heroine and stealing the formula - then the heroine says she forgives him so its okay since he wont head the company anymore. No, the guy should have been in jail. Also the young sister is merely a plot device since we never even meet her.Sooo, as you can tell this book did not work for me. The writing was stilted, its full of short sentences that come off as amateur writing. The plot is full of WTFery which I can handle in a good HP but this one was not written well enough for me to buy into the craziness.
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