MP3 The Rebel Wife by Donna Dalton (Goodreads Author) windows read doc no registration full version

MP3 The Rebel Wife by Donna Dalton (Goodreads Author) windows read doc no registration full version

MP3 The Rebel Wife by Donna Dalton (Goodreads Author) windows read doc no registration full version

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Book description
When war correspondent Jackson Porter lies to a Union patrol to save a red-headed rebel, he gets something he never expected...a wife. But with her knowledge of corruption at the federal prisons, Louisa is his best chance to deliver the topnotch article his newspaper editor expects. The one thing Jackson didnt count on was a burning desire for his pretend spouse.Louisa Carleton needs a miracle--even if that miracle comes in the shape of an arrogant, highfalutin Yankee. With her brothers imminent death in prison heavy on her mind, she has no option but to join forces with the enemy. Can she save her brother from a vindictive prison commander while still protecting her heart, or will Jackson stir dark memories she wants to forget?
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