MP3 The Private World of the Last Tsar: In the Photographs and Notes of General Count Alexander Grabbe by Paul Grabbe offline get purchase mobile online

MP3 The Private World of the Last Tsar: In the Photographs and Notes of General Count Alexander Grabbe by Paul Grabbe offline get purchase mobile online

MP3 The Private World of the Last Tsar: In the Photographs and Notes of General Count Alexander Grabbe by Paul Grabbe offline get

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Book description

Book description
The author, Paul Grabbe, is the son of General Count Alexander Grabbe. A commander of the military force, General Grabbe was a member of the elite unit that guarded the Tsar and his family.An amateur, but talented photographer, Commander Grabbe, was successful in photographing the royal family throughout their holidays and in their everyday life before the Russian revolution.The accompanying text with the photos is well written and provides and excellent backdrop to the unraveling of a wealthy, elite family originally naive to the fact that their fairy tale life was ending.Particularly interesting is the way in which the photos show the carefree idyllic days of children at play. There are images of Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia, china like dolls, similarly attired in white linen dress wearing wide brimmed hats and smiling at the camera.There are many images of a smiling, handsome, young Tsarevich Alexis wearing a sailor uniform on the deck of his family yacht, left leg slightly turn inward from pain of his bleeding disorder.Robust and handsome Nicholas II smiles with a loving countenance at his beautiful family, greets his staff, travels to WWI battlefields and then, suddenly becomes sullen and serious in expression as the gathering storm of change approaches.Shy, Alexandra cautiously hovers over her son and daughters. A smile eludes her face and the photos indicate a serious nature.Highly recommended to anyone to loves history and is interested in the Romanov family.
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