MP3 The Price of Everything . . .: Perspectives on the Art Market by Martin Braathen (Creator) find download shop iBooks epub

MP3 The Price of Everything . . .: Perspectives on the Art Market by Martin Braathen (Creator) find download shop iBooks epub

MP3 The Price of Everything . . .: Perspectives on the Art Market by Martin Braathen (Creator) find download shop iBooks epub

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Book description
Aesthetics and economic value have been intertwined for centuries, but the recent increase in investment in art suggests that the balance between the two may be changing. This intriguing book examines the factors that impact on today’s expanded art market and the relationship between contemporary art and economics. The book’s three essays focus on works that engage speculative value, investigate the commercial aspects of exhibition and display, explore alternative and non-profit based economies, and shed light on the role of the collector. The works included—by such artists as Louise Lawler, Robert Morris, and Hans Haacke—deal directly with the economic conditions of art’s production, reception, and circulation. There is also an interview with art advisor Diego Cortez, who offers a distinctive perspective on the evolution of the current art market and the business of mediating between collectors and dealers.
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