MP3 The Mother and The Father by Florian Zeller full reading ios online apple

MP3 The Mother and The Father by Florian Zeller full reading ios online apple

MP3 The Mother and The Father by Florian Zeller full reading ios online apple

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Book description
Zeller has created two plays in which he explores depression (The mother) and dementia (The father) and the influence on the family. I had the privilege to see The mother on stage. The subtle way in which Zeller uses repetition and variation to create the confusing worlds of the two lead characters is masterly and makes for unsettling viewing and reading. The plays are masterly, and their English versions by Christopher Hampton ensures their success in the English language world.Zeller ondersoek twee ontstellende temas in hierdie twee stukke: die effek van onderskeidelik depressie en demensie op die families. Die subtiele opbou van herhaling en variasie herskep vir die leser en teaterganger die onsekerheid van die twee hoofkarakters en sorg vir n baie ontstellende ervaring. Die vertaling lees gemaklik en idiomaties en sorg dat Engelse lesers en teatergangers ook Zeller se deernisvolle dog onthutsende blik op die menslike psige kan beleef.
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