MP3 The Mating Season by P.G. Wodehouse download book fb2

MP3 The Mating Season by P.G. Wodehouse download book fb2

MP3 The Mating Season by P.G. Wodehouse download book fb2

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Book description
At Deverill Hall, an idyllic Tudor manor in the picture-perfect village of Kings Deverill, impostors are in the air. The prime example is man-about-town Bertie Wooster, doing a good turn to Gussie Fink-Nottle by impersonating him while he enjoys fourteen days away from society after being caught taking an unscheduled dip in the fountains of Trafalgar Square. Bertie is of course one of natures gentlemen, but the stakes are high: if all is revealed, theres a danger that Gussies simpering fiancée Madeline may turn her wide eyes on Bertie instead. Its a brilliant plan - until Gussie himself turns up, imitating Bertram Wooster. After that, only the massive brain of Jeeves (himself in disguise) can set things right.
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