MP3 The Legend of Minnesota by Kathy-jo Wargin (Goodreads Author) eng find free tom touch

MP3 The Legend of Minnesota by Kathy-jo Wargin (Goodreads Author) eng find free tom touch

MP3 The Legend of Minnesota by Kathy-jo Wargin (Goodreads Author) eng find free tom touch

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Book description
Summary: This is a story of how Minnesota got its name. The legend has it that a Dakotah boy and Ojibwe girl meet and formed a friendship that their tribes were not happy about. The girl helps the sick boy by describing a medicine she can make to cure him. Unfortunately, they cannot stay friends. The girls tribe becomes sick and she remembers the medicine to help her tribe. They call out to her, Mah-nu-sa-tia which becomes Minnesota, the land where they show respect for her.Characteristics of the genre: This book is a multicultural historical fiction depicting the time period where the Dakota and Ojibwe were settling in parts of Minnesota. The Indian tribes had different perspectives on how to rule the land.Mentor writing traits: Voice-The voice of the tribe, boy, and girl are emotionally charged in dealing with the situation. Passions were strong on both sides.Word Choice-The other uses explicit word choice to describe the land and water. Many adjectives are used to portray the scenes in the story.Presentation-The illustrations match the words in the story and create an imagery of beautiful scenery. Shadows are cast and facial expressions are depicted in the feelings of the people. Integration into the classroom: This a great story to read for a social studies lesson on the Native American tribes. You could do a compare and contrast about the two Native American tribes. Other suggestions: You could use this lesson to show geographic regions of the tribes as well. In your lesson, you could talk about the habitat and the resources available in the area.
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