MP3 The Ill-Bred Bride by Rosemary Edghill kindle bookshop download direct link value

MP3 The Ill-Bred Bride by Rosemary Edghill kindle bookshop download direct link value

MP3 The Ill-Bred Bride by Rosemary Edghill kindle bookshop download direct link value

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Book description
ITS TRUE, LOVE CANT BE BOUGHT, BUT A BIT OF MONEY ISNT TOO HATEFUL....Lord Hanford of Laceby possessed an ancient lineage and even more ancient debts. He was, quite bluntly, for sale. Susannah Potter was in the market. She had recently inherited a tidy sum--and a host of odious fortune hunters. And so their marriage of convenience was made.With her shopkeepers sensibilities, the new mistress of Laceby immediately set out to restore the tumble-down ruin--much, it must be added, to her husbands distress. So passionately did they argue over debts and decorum that they failed to notice quite another kind of passion sneak into their home and their hearts....
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