MP3 The Feminine Subject in Childrens Literature by Christine Wilkie-Stibbs book offline look eng audio

MP3 The Feminine Subject in Childrens Literature by Christine Wilkie-Stibbs book offline look eng audio

MP3 The Feminine Subject in Childrens Literature by Christine Wilkie-Stibbs book offline look eng audio

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Book description
This book builds upon and contributes to the growing academic interest in feminism within the field of childrens literature studies. Christie Wilkie-Stibbs draws upon the work of Luce Irigaray, Helene Cixous, Julia Kristeva, and Jacques Lacan in her analysis of particular childrens literature texts to demonstrate how a feminist analysis opens up textual possibilities that may be applied to works of childrens fiction in general, extending the range of textual engagements in childrens literature through the application of a new poststructural critical apparati.
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