MP3 The Feelings Unmutual: Growing Up With Asperger Syndrome (Undiagnosed) by Will Hadcroft (Goodreads Author) free writer original german reader

MP3 The Feelings Unmutual: Growing Up With Asperger Syndrome (Undiagnosed) by Will Hadcroft (Goodreads Author) free writer original german reader

MP3 The Feelings Unmutual: Growing Up With Asperger Syndrome (Undiagnosed) by Will Hadcroft (Goodreads Author) free writer original

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Book description
Recently the phrase Asperger Syndrome became part of my vocabulary. It explains all the things my psychologist could not.- Will HadcroftWhat makes the Asperger child immerse himself in such things as Doctor Who and The Incredible Hulk? In this honest and entertaining autobiographical account, Will Hadcroft links his obsessive TV series fixations to eventually being diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome. He describes drawing comfort from identifying with heroic individuals or fictional characters, and the liberating effect of an accurate diagnosis for someone who felt out of place and didnt know why.This original and highly readable book offers a fresh insight into the experience of feeling unmutual, or misunderstood, and how this can result in bullying at school and in the workplace, escalating into social phobia, paranoia and obsessive behaviour. It amply illustrates some of the more subtle expressions of the Asperger condition and provides an accessible introduction to those new to AS.
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