MP3 The Dragon with a Chocolate Heart by Stephanie Burgis (Goodreads Author) full version kickass itunes read eng

MP3 The Dragon with a Chocolate Heart by Stephanie Burgis (Goodreads Author) full version kickass itunes read eng

MP3 The Dragon with a Chocolate Heart by Stephanie Burgis (Goodreads Author) full version kickass itunes read eng

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Book description
Aventurine is the fiercest, bravest dragon there is. And shes ready to prove it to her family by leaving the safety of their mountain cave and capturing the most dangerous prey of all: a human. But when the human she finds tricks her into drinking enchanted hot chocolate, Aventurine is transformed into a puny human girl with tiny blunt teeth, no fire, and not one single claw.But shes still the fiercest creature in the mountains -- and now shes found her true passion: chocolate! All she has to do is get herself an apprenticeship (whatever that is) in a chocolate house (which sounds delicious), and shell be conquering new territory in no time...wont she?
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