MP3 The Death Tower by Maxwell Grant (Pseudonym) read fb2 on iphone

MP3 The Death Tower by Maxwell Grant (Pseudonym) read fb2 on iphone

MP3 The Death Tower by Maxwell Grant (Pseudonym) read fb2 on iphone

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Book description
January 1, 1932The title indicates a tower of some kind but actually theres no tower at all. There is a forty story apartment building, though. The top houses Doctor Albert Palermo, the villain of the story. He has his servant kill people sometimes,though sometimes he does the deed himself. The reason the building is called the Death Tower is because the good doctor has filled the place with loads of traps (paranoid much?).Clyde Burke makes his first appearance, and we find out about yet another disguise the Shadow uses, that of George Clarendon. Burbank also makes an appearance. Theres also an unusual female villain, Thelda Blanchet. Very strangely, she does not pay for her crimes.
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