MP3 The Boston Movement: Critical Perspectives On The International Churches Of Christ by Carol Giambalvo (Contributor) tablet access book sale value

MP3 The Boston Movement: Critical Perspectives On The International Churches Of Christ by Carol Giambalvo (Contributor) tablet access book sale value

MP3 The Boston Movement: Critical Perspectives On The International Churches Of Christ by Carol Giambalvo (Contributor) tablet access

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Book description
Absolutely the most incredible book I have ever found on a specific cult. The International Church of Christ (aka Boston Movement) may be the most heart-breaking organization a Baptist, Evangelical, Fundamentalist or Non-Denominational Christian can experience. I briefly attended one of these in Bellevue, Washington with one of my dearest friends. After my experiences in several services and special events, as well as watching he and his fiance (later wife) get more and more involved, I started my journey in researching cults. Though I differed in perspective / interpretation of theological issues, that had nothing to do with what was so destructive, damaging, or harmful. This book is what led to my years of studying cults, then an emphasis on manipulative and abusive psychology. Step by step, the recruiting, segregating, accountability, manipulations, every piece well explained.
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