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MP3 Teach Us, Amelia Bedelia by Peggy Parish access cheap download iphone amazon

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Book description
Amelia Bedelia lands herself in a classroom because the new school teachers plane is late. Amelia has never taught before, so she starts by reading the sheet left for her. The first thing she reads is take roll, so she asks the students who has a roll. Amelia goes on to take everything on the sheet literally, and not in means of education. Amelia even plants light bulbs in pots of soil because it said to plant bulbs. At the end of the day, it was math time, and Amelia was supposed to read math problems, which said to take apples away from the students, except no one had apples. So Amelia took the students to her home and they used her apples and were chasing each other around for their apples. Amelia ends the day a little early and the students really enjoyed her but their new teacher arrives. I really enjoyed this story about Amelia and how she takes over a classroom for one day. Even though she has never taught before, there were somethings that Amelia did that I liked. First of all, she had fun the students. I am all about having fun and she made learning interesting, even though she didnt know some of the teachers language. My favorite part was how she incorporated the actual apples and running around for the math lesson. This was a really fun and interactive lesson even though she didnt really mean for this to happen this way, it was a good activity. I also loved the humor in this book. I think that this book would be a good read for future teachers like myself, just to have a good laugh, and even learn some ways to have fun with your students while still making it educational. It shows at the end when the students are sad that Amelia was only there for one day. Students like exciting and creative activities and it gets them excited to learn.
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