MP3 Sustainable Agriculture Reviews: Volume 18 by Eric Lichtfouse (Editor) cheap eng flibusta read online

MP3 Sustainable Agriculture Reviews: Volume 18 by Eric Lichtfouse (Editor) cheap eng flibusta read online

MP3 Sustainable Agriculture Reviews: Volume 18 by Eric Lichtfouse (Editor) cheap eng flibusta read online

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Book description
This book features review articles that analyze current agricultural issues and knowledge. It also proposes novel, environmentally friendly solutions that are based on integrated information from such fields as agroecology, soil science, molecular biology, chemistry, toxicology, economics and the social sciences.Coverage examines ways to produce food and energy in a sustainable way for humans and their children. Inside, readers will find articles that explore climate change, food security, water pollution, soil erosion, fertility loss, pest control and biodiversity depletion.Instead of solving problems using the classical painkiller approach, which seeks only to limit negative impacts, sustainable agriculture treats challenges at their source. Because most societal issues are in fact intertwined, global and fast-developing, sustainable agriculture will bring solutions that have the potential to build a more peaceful world. This book will help scientists, decision-makers, professors, farmers and politicians build safer agriculture, energy and food systems for future generations.
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