MP3 Spy Candy by Gina Robinson (Goodreads Author) store book mp3 iphone ipad

MP3 Spy Candy by Gina Robinson (Goodreads Author) store book mp3 iphone ipad

MP3 Spy Candy by Gina Robinson (Goodreads Author) store book mp3 iphone ipad

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Book description
LIVE AND LET SPYFrom her sensible shoes to her dating choices, bank officer Jenna Jarvis has always played it safe. But her fantasy life is a whole other story. And now Jennas got a golden opportunity to play a real-life secret agent, courtesy of her generous best friend and a fantasy spy camp set smack dab in the red-hot center of the Arizona desert...The stay starts off with a bang—literally—as a car explodes to greet Jenna and her fellow covert trainees, each of whom have a spydentity based on an iconic undercover agent. But its the real-life operatives who capture Jennas attention, particularly super-buff ex-CIA agent-cum-instructor Torq Toricelli. Confidence boosted by playing a bold-as-brass hot babe, Jenna might just have a fighting chance with Torq—if she can make it through camp in one piece...A few near-misses have made it frighteningly clear that someone is taking this fantasy way too seriously. Jennas mission: find out whos gunning for her fellow spies—and live to die another day...
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