MP3 Sisters in Arms by Stephen D. Sullivan (Goodreads Author) ipad book macbook how read kickass

MP3 Sisters in Arms by Stephen D. Sullivan (Goodreads Author) ipad book macbook how read kickass

MP3 Sisters in Arms by Stephen D. Sullivan (Goodreads Author) ipad book macbook how read kickass

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Book description
What would you do to gain the riches of the gods? The Khef-Tui are long gone from the Blue Kingdoms, their civilization vanished beneath the waves. Legends persist, though, of their unlimited wealth and the treasures that can be obtained by anyone luky enough to find a Khef-Tui outpost, and bold enough to claim it. Now, rumors of just such an island have come to the ears of The Sisterhood - an all-female group of pirates. Khef-Tui treasure is a strong lure for Captain Marg and the Coralshell Sisters, but the question remains: How far will the warrior women go to become the richest pirates in the Blue Kingdoms -- and what unforeseen obstacles stand in their way?This action-packed adventure features the saucy Coralshell Sisters before they joined the Starcutter crew. The short story was originally published in the anthology - Blue Kingdoms: Buxom Buccaneers.Stephen D. Sullivan is the award-winning author of dozens of novels and stories, including trilogies for Legend of the Five Rings, Spider Riders, and Dragonlance.
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