MP3 Singular Intimacies: Becoming a Doctor at Bellevue by Danielle Ofri (Goodreads Author) download book free fb2

MP3 Singular Intimacies: Becoming a Doctor at Bellevue by Danielle Ofri (Goodreads Author) download book free fb2

MP3 Singular Intimacies: Becoming a Doctor at Bellevue by Danielle Ofri (Goodreads Author) download book free fb2

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Book description
When Danielle Ofri enters the doors of New Yorks legendary Bellevue Hospital as a tentative medical student, she is plunged into the teeming world of urban medicine: mysterious illnesses, patients speaking any one of a dozen languages, overworked interns devising audacious strategies to cope with the intensity of a big-city hospital. In a facility where poverty and social strife are as much a part of the pathology as any microbe, it is the medical students and interns who are thrust into the searing intimacy that is the doctor-patient relationship. With each chapter, Ofri introduces us to a new medical crisis and a human being with an intricate and compelling history.
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