MP3 Singing for Dummies [With Audio CD] by Pamelia S. Phillips apple portable book pocket writer

MP3 Singing for Dummies [With Audio CD] by Pamelia S. Phillips apple portable book pocket writer

MP3 Singing for Dummies [With Audio CD] by Pamelia S. Phillips apple portable book pocket writer

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Book description
Ah, theres just nothing better than singing in the shower. The acoustics are perfect and you dont sound half bad, if you do say so yourself. In fact, with a little practice you could be the next American Idol platinum-selling recording artist, or stage sensation. Its time for Pavarotti to step down and for you to step up as monarch of songdom.Whether youre a beginning vocalist or a seasoned songster, Singing for Dummies makes it easy for you to achieve your songbird dreams. Singing for Dummies gives you step-by-step instructions and lots of helpful tips, hints, vocal exercises, reminders, and warnings for both men and women, including advice on: The mechanics of singingDiscovering your singing voiceDeveloping techniqueSinging in performanceMaintaining vocal healthPerforming like a proSinging for Dummies is written by Dr. Pamelia Phillips, Chair of Voice and Music at New York Universitys Undergraduate Drama Department. Dr. Phillips shares all of her professional expertise to help you sing your way to the top. She gives you all the information you need to know about: Proper posture and breathingPerfecting your articulationFinding the right voice teacher for youHow to train for singingSelecting your music materialsActing the songOvercoming stage frightAuditioning for musical theaterIn addition to Dr. Phillips wisdom, Singing for Dummies comes with a CD packed full of useful instruction and songs, including: Demonstrations of proper techniqueExercises to develop technique and strengthScales and pitch drillsPractice songs for beginning, intermediate, and advanced singersSinging for Dummies contains all the information, practices, techniques, and expert advice you need to hone your vocal skills with ease.
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