MP3 Scorpion Betrayal by Andrew Kaplan (Goodreads Author) windows without signing epub book view

MP3 Scorpion Betrayal by Andrew Kaplan (Goodreads Author) windows without signing epub book view

MP3 Scorpion Betrayal by Andrew Kaplan (Goodreads Author) windows without signing epub book view

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Book description
The head of Egypts State Internal Security is brutally murdered in a Cairo cafÉ—his assailant a faceless killer known only as the Palestinian. It is the opening move in a chilling game of terror that has caught the international intelligence community completely off-guard, and the CIA turns to the one man they believe can get to the twisted roots of a looming nightmare shrouded in mystery: a former Company operative code-named Scorpion. The breakneck hunt for a mastermind is leading Scorpion from the Middle East to the dangerous underworld of the capitals of Europe. With the fate of the free world in the hands of two well- matched adversaries there is no margin for error. But a shocking truth has been kept from the determined manhunter . . . and beauty will blind him to the ultimate betrayal.
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