MP3 Sage and the Journey to Wishworld by Shana Muldoon Zappa ipad purchase pocket ebook book

MP3 Sage and the Journey to Wishworld by Shana Muldoon Zappa ipad purchase pocket ebook book

MP3 Sage and the Journey to Wishworld by Shana Muldoon Zappa ipad purchase pocket ebook book

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Book description
Welcome to Starling Academy. Twelve very special students have been selected from this year’s class to reclaim the wish energy that powers their beloved planet, Starland. The Star Darlings, as they are known, take classes where they learn how to grant the wishes made on birthday candles, shooting stars, dandelions, wishbones, and coins tossed into fountains, just to name a few. Their top-secret mission will take them to Wishworld (known in some places as Earth). There they will have to find the Wisher and figure out how to grant the wish before time runs out and they are stuck on Wishworld forever. Sage is the first Star Darling soaring off to Wishworld. Travel with her as she discovers how challenging life on a new planet can be and how she learns the importance of friendship, teamwork, and never assuming anything.
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