MP3 Rebel Yell and the Yankee Hurrah by John W. Haley reader touch review online sale

MP3 Rebel Yell and the Yankee Hurrah by John W. Haley reader touch review online sale

MP3 Rebel Yell and the Yankee Hurrah by John W. Haley reader touch review online sale

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Book description
A treasure, an absolute treasure. This has joined my best books ever in the world shelf. Haley, a simple yet keen observer of human nature and both subtle and great events has invited us to a view of a few years of his life. I have never seen the American Civil War and heard the bullets whish by or feel the exhaustion he endured, the loss, the small blessings. Most of all Private Haley has a wicked sense of humor, an apt use of the most amusing slang Ive ever read, and a deep sense of humanity and goodness. On that last note I must also add he also reflect social norms of his time and reasons it out according to his understanding. It is odd to read this Union soldiers distinction between slavery and social equality, but offers a critical understanding of the time he lived in. His descriptions of Lincoln riding up to his company on a horse, and of hearing thousands of men in battle will echo in my memory forever.
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