MP3 Punished - A Dark Billionaire Romance by Penelope Bloom download book how download view library

MP3 Punished - A Dark Billionaire Romance by Penelope Bloom download book how download view library

MP3 Punished - A Dark Billionaire Romance by Penelope Bloom download book how download view library

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Book description
I have a dirty little secret. No guy has ever been able to get me off. They try. They fail. They leave. Rinse and repeat. Until I met Logan Steel. Until he punished me. He’s a self-made billionaire, and he’s heart-stoppingly gorgeous. Oh, and did I mention he’s into BDSM? Like… really into it. He says I can trust him, that he’ll take care of me, that nothing bad will happen so long as I’m his. His kitten. I want to believe him. I want to trust him. I want to surrender to the heat of his touch and submit. I want to let him have me in all the ways he wants me. But it’s not that simple. Nothing ever is. **This is a full-length, standalone billionaire BDSM romance. No cheating or cliffhangers, and as always, Happily Ever After guaranteed.
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