MP3 Protectors Temptation by Marilyn Pappano download pdf

MP3 Protectors Temptation by Marilyn Pappano download pdf

MP3 Protectors Temptation by Marilyn Pappano download pdf

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Book description
When AJ Decker left Dallas for the peaceful Georgia town of Copper Lake, the big-city cop wasnt looking to put his life at risk again. But when an old friend asked him to help out a woman in danger, how could he refuse? Then he found out who she was. Masiela Leal. His ex-lover.Masiela knew AJ lived by a strict code of honor. That made him the only man the embattled attorney could trust. But hiding out in AJs house awakened bittersweet memories of the night shed spent six years trying to forget. As desire reignited, Mas knew they were fighting for their future...and a second chance at love.
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