MP3 Power to the People: How the Coming Energy Revolution Will Transform an Industry, Change Our Lives, and Maybe Even Save the Planet by Vijay V. Vaitheeswaran store iBooks epub prewiew free

MP3 Power to the People: How the Coming Energy Revolution Will Transform an Industry, Change Our Lives, and Maybe Even Save the Planet by Vijay V. Vaitheeswaran store iBooks epub prewiew free

MP3 Power to the People: How the Coming Energy Revolution Will Transform an Industry, Change Our Lives, and Maybe Even Save the

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Book description
By far the most helpful, entertaining, up-to-date and accessible treatment of the energy-economy-environment problematique available. --John P. Holdren, Scientific AmericanA fiercely independent and irresistibly entertaining look at the economic, political and technological forces that are reshaping the worlds management of energy resources, Power to the People has been hailed as as good a manifesto for the new energy world as you will find. (Fred Pearce, New Scientist). The Economists Environment and Energy correspondent, Vijay V. Vaitheeswaran sees great opportunity in the energy realm today, and he documents an energy revolution already under way. From the corporate boardroom of a Texas oil titan who denies the reality of global warming, to a think tank nestled in the Rocky Mountains where a visionary named Amory Lovins is developing hydrogen fuel-cell technology that could make the internal combustion engine obsolete, Vaitheeswaran gamely pursues the people who hold the keys to our future. Avoiding the traditional divide that pits free markets against the wisdom of conservation and the need for clean energy, Power to the People debunks myths without debunking hope.
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