MP3 Paranoid Park by Blake Nelson (Goodreads Author) read find phone selling value

MP3 Paranoid Park by Blake Nelson (Goodreads Author) read find phone selling value

MP3 Paranoid Park by Blake Nelson (Goodreads Author) read find phone selling value

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Book description
It was an accident. He didnt mean to kill the security guard with his skateboard - it was self-defense. But theres no one to back up his story. No one even knows he was at Paranoid Park. Should he confess, or can he get away with it? Its an ethical question no one should have to answer.Writing more intensely than ever before, Blake Nelson delivers a film noir in book form, complete with interior monologue and dark, psychological drama. This is a riveting look at one boys fall into a world of crime, guilt, and fear - and his desperate attempt to get out again.
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