MP3 Our Lady of the Lost and Found: A Novel of Mary, Faith, and Friendship by Diane Schoemperlen download book free fb2

MP3 Our Lady of the Lost and Found: A Novel of Mary, Faith, and Friendship by Diane Schoemperlen download book free fb2

MP3 Our Lady of the Lost and Found: A Novel of Mary, Faith, and Friendship by Diane Schoemperlen download book free fb2

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Book description

Book description
One Monday morning in April, a middle-aged writer walks into her living room to water the plants and finds a woman standing beside her potted fig tree. Dressed in a navy blue trench coat and white Nikes, the woman introduces herself as Mary. Mother of God.... You know. Mary. Instead of a golden robe or a crown, she arrives bearing a practical wheeled suitcase. Weary after two thousand years of adoration and petition, Mary is looking for a little R & R. Shes asked in for lunch, and decides to stay a week. As the story of their visit unfolds, so does the story of Mary-one of the most complex and powerful female figures of our time-and her changing image in culture, art, history, as well as the thousands of recorded sightings that have placed her everywhere from a privet hedge to the dented bumper of a Camaro.As this Everywoman and Mary become friends, their conversations, both profound and intimate, touch upon Marys significance and enduring relevance. Told with humor and grace, Our Lady of the Lost and Found is an absorbing tour through Marys history and a thoughtful meditation on spirituality, our need for faith, and our desire to believe in something larger than ourselves.
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