MP3 Nothing But Gold: The Diggers Of 1852 by Robyn Annear author offline read ebook txt

MP3 Nothing But Gold: The Diggers Of 1852 by Robyn Annear author offline read ebook txt

MP3 Nothing But Gold: The Diggers Of 1852 by Robyn Annear author offline read ebook txt

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Book description
Nothing but Gold: The Diggers of 1852 by Robyn Annear, 1999Robyn Annear writes meticulously researched, readable history. This book takes one year in the lives of those who were involved in the Victorian gold rush and explores it from every conceivable angle. I’ve been reading this since the beginning of the year. Whilst it is easily readable it is still a non-fiction account that, for me, requires occasional dipping into rather than continuous reading. If you want to understand what life was really like on the goldfields beyond the usual superficial caricature or the Eureka Stockade, this is well work reading. Likewise if your motive for reading is for genuine academic research Nothing But Gold will not disappoint. If you’re after historical fiction with one continuous story and characters it’s probably not the book for you.
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