MP3 Myths of the Norsemen: Retold from the Old Norse Poems and Tales by Roger Lancelyn Green pdf download free

MP3 Myths of the Norsemen: Retold from the Old Norse Poems and Tales by Roger Lancelyn Green pdf download free

MP3 Myths of the Norsemen: Retold from the Old Norse Poems and Tales by Roger Lancelyn Green pdf download free

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Book description

Book description
PRE-ISBNFrom the page preceding the title page;“The myths of the Northmen, from the ice and snow of the Scandinavian countries, tell how in the beginning there was only the Yawning Void, which they called Ginnungagap, but deep in the Void lay the Well of Life. In course of time ice piled over the Well, and out of it grew something they called Ymir, the father of the terrible Frost Giants. Ymir was fed on the milk of a magic cow who licked the ice, and with it salt from the Well of Life. As she licked with her tongue, she formed the first of the gods, the Ǣsir, who was called Buri. Buri had a son Borr, and Borr was the father of Odin. Odin and his brothers overcame the ice and frost giants. They thrust Ymir down into the Yawning Void, and of his body they made the world we live in. They set the sea in a ring about the world, and planted the World Tree, the Ash Yggdrasill, to hold it in place. From this making of the world, to Ragnarok, the last Great Battle, Roger Lancelyn Green tells the story in one continuous narrative. It is easy to read, and there is a clear rhythm carrying through to the final climax. He has taken his material from original sources, of which he gives a brief account in his foreword. “The interest in these myths often preceded reading abilty, but this telling will be found good to read aloud, and boys and gtirls from 10 up will easily manage it for themselves. “
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